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The Wheres and Whys of Paradise Directory Introduction Furcadian Location Avatars Dream Backstory ![]() A Kitsune's Paradise was dreamt into being in 2004 by the Rah, Kari Kianna. While feral kitsune had inhabited various parts of Furcadia beforehand, mostly they confined themselves to feral wolf dreams and the like, where their powers and mysterious natures often got them labelled as 'twinks'. AKP, therefore, was created to become a home to these wandering kitsune, a place that they could come to for roleplay that actually didn't involve fighting. Thanks to the brilliant artwork of SwiftKill, Mortain, and Hellfire's Fury and the dreamweaving skills of Kari Kianna, dream became reality, and here we are today, three years later and still going strong. The dream itself has been through a number of map and lore changes over the years, but it just keeps getting better and better. No application process is needed to join in the dream; the only requirements is that your character be a kitsune, as the continuity does not allow very much else. Come on in and romp with our foxes today! ![]() A Kitsune's Paradise can be found south of the entrance to Furrabian Nights in Furcadia, usually at the co-ordinates 30, 49. A picture below illustrates our position! ![]() Or you could always just click here to arrive within the dream! ![]() As kitsune can have from one to nine tails, each Furcadian avatar within the dream is assigned a different tail-number. The following is a handy-dandy reference list, if you don't want to have to hunt through and figure out what's what. ![]() Squirrel -------> One-tailed kit Musteline -------> Two-tail Lapine -------> Three-tail Canine -------> Four-tail Rodent -------> Five-tail Feline -------> Six-tail Equine -------> Seven-tail Bovine -------> Eight-tail Nine-tailed kitsune are accessible only through a local-species code. You must have the permission of the Rah or one of the Co-Rahs to play one. ![]() Ryuu are playable by either having a dragon Digo item, or through a localspecies code. Again, one must have permission in order to play one. If you turn on a Digo-dragon in the dream without being cleared for playing, you will be barred entry from the dream. ![]() The following is the canonical backstory of the dream, written by our Rah, Kari Kianna. Curl up and have some tea or something whilst you read! The converged Gods had chosen the hall on Mt. Olympus as their headquarters. Such a large and central place. The option came to place yearly meetings in various temples and churches and meeting houses, but that was met with alarming disapprovals, since some aspect of the converged Gods felt uncomfortable in a place not built to their names. Centuries later and still the humans willed their gods in ways unnatural... Olympus was unanimously agreed upon, more for location than comfort preferences. It was easy access to the desolate Earth and the Beings could easily locate the converged gods on a whim. Not to mention that human hands did not directly build the amazing architecture. There was an electricity in the atmosphere surrounding Olympus, the day of Judgment for the rock below had come. The converged Gods were seated across from the numerous Beings, each side prepared to stake their claim. Once all were settled, the meeting commenced. An idea was thrown out to destroy Earth completely and never turn back to that wretched existence, to liberate themselves, as they put it. Others wanted to try again, knowing what not to do this time around, while others still didn�t really care what direction was taken. They thought such a disagreement was futile and below their rank in the entire scheme of places and time. Converged Gods and immortal Beings alike were engaged in a heated battle, growing thunderously louder as they no longer were attempting to prove their point, but merely wanted to make sure they were heard. Though the converged Gods knew they worked as one, they all kept their separate identities, due to the humans� ideals. This identity complex accounted for the brilliant white flash that suddenly exploded across Olympus. Had any human eyes been privy to such a display, not a spot of night would have been present on that rock for a whole five minutes. Silence, how sweet it is. The deity that had caused the brilliant illumination remained seated and still, all eyes turned to the direction of the beauty. Inari, she was once called, all present knew that. At this particular meeting, Inari appeared as a beautiful Japanese woman with long, straight, coal-black hair. Garbed in a flowing white robe, dotted here and there with roses and rose buds and sitting calmly, Inari held a porcelain hand outward, the obvious source of the flash of light. With the meeting�s attention, she spoke, softly, patiently and pointedly, �For centuries I have listened to this banter on what should come of Earth. Sitting here, becoming ever aware of the circle you all chase yourselves in. You speak of a taint on the Earth? Hardly. It is in yourselves. You have allowed the humans too much freedom, which has caused their end, and soon, yours.� She pauses, hoping the purpose of her words to be realized. No one there was ignorant, nor stupid. As expected, they all caught on and she continued, �All sides of the argument are compelling, no doubt. However, similarly, none of them are willing to hear. You see, you are all the same, even in your opposing ideals. If you are patient enough, I am sure I have a proposal that will sate each and every one of you once and for all.� Her hand had been outstretched during her speech, as she ended, she tucked it to her lap, her posture still amazingly noble. Inari was one of the more mysterious aspects of the converged deities and had, inevitably, gained respect by all. She rarely used this advantage for herself. A moment of silence penetrated the electricity from before as all considered. A weighty moment lifts as another spoke out, the alleged Yahwe. The humans personified this deity as male, and had made three equivalents to himself in that of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. When Yahwe spoke, it seemed as if his benevolent voice echoed, the three-way split being the cause of the effect, �Inari is correct. Fellow deities and immortal Beings alike, we are arguing for naught, and so naught is being accomplished. Might we hear what Inari proposes or shall we continue such �banter� for eternity while our creation below us idly awaits?� The last of Yahwe�s echos fade into the bleak peaks of the Earth just as a rise of unanimous agreement came from all but Inari and himself. They exchange a simple, yet knowing glance. As much as they regret being such like the long gone humans, it was nearly impossible for them to not revert. Plus, it made their essences easier. The hall was hushed just as quickly as it came to agreement as Inari spoke once more, �An area of the Earth for each of our individualities. Nothing too fancy, and nothing too drab. Something to fit all our tastes and all our desires. But one condition, no humans.� A few deities and even several Beings cringed at the condition of no more creatures capable of thought similar to their own. How fun they were too, �They have twisted the intelligence we had endowed them with and abused it. To prevent such a disaster from occurring again, we will refrain from creating similar creatures. In doing so, our initial child, Earth, will remain in Material Existence and we will once again live in harmony with ourselves. That is my proposal.� Inari�s visage was strong, but still remarkably gorgeous. A new light had dawned on all immortal essences, lesser beings and greater beings alike. A seemingly effective plan! In the next consecutive meetings, all agreed on locations and areas and what would grow and flourish where. Overlapping of specific areas occurred, as the Earth was only so big, but it created a kind of balance and flow among the differing ideals of the forever unique deities. Inari�s personal plot of land was completed in a mere few decades. The spirit foxes, kitsune, had not been fully shunned from existence as she had originally presumed, but rather, they went into a hiding of sorts. They were among the Beings that thought the argument below them, only having heard of the meeting�s verdict through Inari herself. A select few were able to sustain their existence on the Material Plane, though, the rest had no choice but to revert to their spirit forms, seeing as there was next to nothing left on Earth to sustain them properly. Once she had gained control of a valley, the kitsune began repopulating. The mountain kitsune were the oldest, and therefore the fewest. A few time had managed, as did a few fire, celestial, and voidlings. Due to the pronounced period of nothingness, the voidlings had prospered beyond what they had seen before, and so, that area of the valley was completed first. Kitsune flocked to the valley to assist in the building of a new home for themselves on Earth. A home where they could not be shooed away, cursed, or exorcized back to whence they came. The lack of humans to fiddle with put a slight damper on things, however they remained grateful of their Lady�s return as well as grateful for her efforts towards the valley and their well-being. Upon completion, she addressed all who could manifest, �I give you, my ever dependant messengers, a valley for you to thrive and prosper in. Surrounded on three sides by mountains and on the fourth, the ocean. None can enter your kingdom without your knowledge and rarely will anyone leave. With nothing but yourselves to utilize the Earth, you shall be replenished unendingly! I do give you warning, my faithful companions and servants, the ryuu, have been welcomed into this valley. You understand the purpose to this and so, I shall not elaborate, but I remind you, beloved kitsune, to watch yourselves around these creatures. You know the powers they possess. The oldest, Malthe, will require your continual respect and reverence. He answers to no one but myself. I shall leave you to you and yours. Be happy and well, dear kitsune.� As all bowed to her, tails displayed respectfully, she returned the gesture, then dissipated into a white light, then nothing. As Time governs all, so Inari had chosen for her valley. The oldest kitsune of the time element was a femme called Kari Kianna. As with all kitsune, this was not her real name. Inari did indeed know her real name, but desired no such power over such a faithful messenger. Before her departure that day, the valley had been placed under Kari�s protection and guidance. She was allowed to select others to assist in maintaining the valley for all, and she did. All she trusted and all she knew would work diligently to please Inari and keep her creation for them sustained. Kari also made it a point to at least acquaint herself with the oldest living ryuu that frequented the valley. Malchor, the Lady had called him. He himself had a few ranking others, all of which showed a mutual respect for Kari as she did for them. So, A Kitsune�s Paradise was born and so does she hope to remain. There is more to her story, but only Time will tell... |
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